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Minimal invasive
- Botulinum toxin (Botox) is used to regulate excessive muscular activity (mimic muscles), that leads to the formation of dynamic wrinkles in the entire facial area with a simultaneous decrease in skin tone and elasticity. Headache conditions and migraines can be treated as well as excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). The effect will be visible within 2 to a maximum of 6 days after treatment. The effect lasts for about 3 to a maximum of 6 months, with hyperhidrosis up to 12 months. An initial swelling that accompanies the treatment dissolves again after about one hour, so Botox treatment is virtually complication-free with no downtime. You can find more information in our Pure Cell Go App.
- This Brazilian-Argentine peeling consists of nine active pharmaceutical ingredients of which phenol is the strongest component, being effective into the deeper connective tissue. It is indicated for deep scars and wrinkles, pronounced pigment disorders and photodamaged skin, as well as for certain precancerous skin conditions. The antibacterial effect and the inhibition of inflammatory reactions makes the peeling a game changer in the treatment of therapy-resistant acne along with the use of U.S.-based wound healing agents. The other active substances stimulate the renewal capacity of skin cells and have immunomodulatory effects. The treatment is carried out in stages over the course of 24 hours and is followed by a special after-treatment. The treatment is carried out in stages over the course of 24 hours and is followed by a special after-treatment.
- Over the course of the aging process, the facial skin loses its elasticity and thickness. At the same time the fat bodies located in the face recede to varying degrees. Therefore, a supplementary volume build-up is often advised during a facelift. A natural and also partially permanent effect can be achieved by injecting facial regions with the body's own micro-fat tissue. Under sterile conditions and using extremely fine cannulas, the patient's own fat tissue is extracted from fat deposits mainly from the neck, the inner thighs and the knee area. Gentle harvesting, preparation and purification as well as application are the basic requirements for a high ingrowth rate of the transplanted fat cells. The transplanted tissue also contains a high proportion of stem cells, regeneratively active cells and tissue structures. This leads to a regenerative and rejuvenating tissue effect in addition to the volume effect. This repeatable procedure can also be performed independently of a facelift. Own fat is the most biologically effective filler with no risk of rejection or allergic reaction. Autologous fat is the present and future of facial volume regeneration.
- Fillers are mainly used for injecting wrinkles that are not due to movement or in certain cases for a combined treatment with botox. An immediate effect (volume and smoothing effect) is achieved. Depending on individual criteria and the localization of the treatment, the effect of hyaluronic acid lasts on average 6 to 36 months. In case the treated eye or mouth area is subject to a lot of movement, it is recommended that the procedure should be repeated soon in order to achieve longer-lasting results. You can find more information in our Pure Cell Go app.
- When removing skin tumors, the extent of the required treatment depends on the dignity (benign or malignant) of the tumor. This means that in a first step dermatologists diagnose the type of skin change. The appropriate treatment plan is then created according to the current medical criteria. The primary goal is to heal the skin, the secondary goal is, of course, to achieve the maximally aesthetic result.
- This treatment with a surgical dermaroller is a skin regenerating therapy option. The goal is to improve the skin's structure and elasticity, as well as to improve blood circulation and cell metabolism. The effect of microneedling is based on the fact that the body's own regeneration mechanisms are put into action and new healthy skin components are formed, especially the protein collagen, which gives your skin a youthful firmness and elasticity. Therefore, it takes time for a visible therapy result and you should not expect an immediate improvement. A few weeks after the treatment, your skin will have already gained in quality. However, several months will pass before the natural renewal processes are fully completed. The procedure can be repeated as often as necessary, provided that the skin has sufficient time to regenerate between treatments. Indications for use: Increase of facial skin tone, of skin tone on the neck, décolleté, arms and hands, for existing acne scars and skin irregularities, and for the treatment of striae (growth and stretch marks).
- Dermabrasion is a mechanical procedure to abrade the skin using a diamond burr. Indications for use: Severe keratinization (hyperkeratosis), smoker's wrinkles in the mouth area, mosaic-like thickened skin on the nose, mouth and chin area, scars (e.g. acne), superficial tattoos, disturbing pigment changes of the uppermost skin layers, benign skin changes (e.g. age spots). Caution: Dermabrasion cannot be used on skin that is too thin (e.g. eyelid area).In case of extensive burns and very bulging scars, this treatment promises only limited success. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. In case extensive treatment is required, an additional twilight anesthesia or short anesthesia can be used.
- The natural aging process leads to the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck, various skin changes (discoloration, age spots), loss of skin tone, reduction of fatty tissue, slackening of mimic muscles and decrease of bone structures and definition. The existing soft tissue sags downward due to gravity, altering the aesthetic facial proportions. A facelift can largely correct these signs of aging. Whether and at what age you have a facelift depends on the progress of the aging process and your personal preferences. Combination techniques from the USA and Brazil, often combined with autologous fat transfer, are the most effective. The aim of the procedure is to lift the face including the adjacent neck and temple regions in all dimensions and thus to obtain a rejuvenated, newly proportioned face. The focus is on natural aesthetics, characterized by young facial shapes and proportions as well as by elegant facial expressions. In case of pre-treated facial regions or repeated facelifts, the surgical technique must be adapted depending on already existing scars. Optimization must always the first priority and requires meticulous surgical planning while weighing benefits and risks.
- Surgical interventions regarding basic facial structures can irreversibly change the expression of a face. Once the anatomical shape is altered, there is no reversal treatment that could restore it 100% to its original state. Dr. Handle refers to this as interfering with the genetic fingerprint of the face. A few examples: The reduction of bone substance, removal or insertion of fat and connective tissue, tightening of facial muscles, widening of the lips, nose shaping, alteration of facial dimensions (for example forehead height, hairline), insertion of implants for contouring etc. Usually, several surgical sessions are required until the final result is achieved. Even in case of surgical procedures for transsexuals, where the focus is specifically on a gender change, this means very extensive interventions with irreversible alterations. The preparation for a Fingerprint Facial Change requires extensive preliminary examinations as well as detailed planning. In individual cases, it is not possible to refrain from requesting a psychological assessment.
- The indications for a forehead lift are manifold, especially since adjacent facial regions such as temples and brows should also be treated. In case of a sunken forehead region, recognizable also by lowered eyebrows, this region can be lifted in its entirety by a surgical procedure. A wide variety of techniques can be adapted according to individual needs and existing anatomical conditions. In order to choose the appropriate technique, the overall height of the forehead has to be assessed because it determines whether the incision is made behind or in front of the hairline. In order to choose the appropriate technique, the overall height of the forehead has to be assessed because it determines whether the incision is made behind or in front of the hairline. This way, the brows can be lifted and the forehead will be aesthetically shortened at the same time. In case of a low forehead, a stretching of the forehead length is achieved by means of an incision in the hairy area of the head and an intraoperative weakening of the forehead muscles. The eyebrows can also be lifted with this technique, if desired. The aim of all procedures regarding the forehead is to increase attractiveness, improve proportions, reduce forehead wrinkles and, above all, optimize the eye area while focusing on individuality and naturalness.
- In order to change forehead proportions, which are defined by the forehead height, width and hairline, surgical interventions are required which both reduce and enlarge the forehead surface two-dimensionally. In addition, the forehead proportions must be transformed three-dimensionally into a convex (curved) or flat surface. When the forehead is lengthened, the scar area is hidden behind the hairline. The reverse method shortens the forehead by moving the hairline toward the eyebrows with the incision line at the hairline. Changing the surface shape (curvy-flat) results in highlighting feminine-soft or masculine-hard attributes. All procedures are reversible to a limited extent.
- The loss of elasticity of the skin and of the muscles in the forehead area leads to an increasing drooping of the eyebrows. Individually, the reduction of fatty tissue (ROOF) below the brows also leads to sagging. This effect is genetically more frequent and pronounced in men. The result is a tired look. An existing excess of skin on the upper eyelid can further intensify this appearance. With surgical intervention, the eyebrow can be raised again and accompanying asymmetries can be reduced. Occasionally, by performing a brow lift, an initially desired eyelid lift can be avoided or can at least be carried out in a gentler way. The overall impression of the face appears friendlier, brighter and younger. An often-existing feeling of heaviness in the eyelid area disappears. Individual shaping of the eyebrows must always be addressed in a gender-specific manner and according to individual wishes. Although this procedure is often more effective than a simple upper eyelid lift, it is not covered by health insurance. According to the Brazilian method, an incision is made directly at the brow, while the modified method B, intended primarily for men, uses deep wrinkles in the forehead area to hide the incisions there accordingly. As a positive side effect, this technique can also tighten the skin on the forehead area.
- Also called eyelid lifting, blepharoplasty and drooping eyelid removal. Sagging eyelids, bags under the eyes and sunken outer corners of the eyes are variably pronounced due to family history or age and, in extreme cases, cause disturbing visual field restrictions and, above all, a sad or tired appearance. These tissue changes lead to an unsightly to disfiguring alteration of the eye area. With eyelid plastic surgery, excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids is surgically removed. With eyelid plastic surgery, excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids is surgically removed. The so-called bags under the eyes, which consist of fatty tissue, can be gently removed at the same time. For long-term results, a US-American technique is used, which is also called Nefertiti eyelid surgery by Dr. Handle, due to its elegant curve. The simultaneous elevation of the outer corners of the eye also tightens deeper structures of the lower eyelid and prevents further signs of aging. More and more often, pre-operated eyelids are operated on. In general, eyelids can be operated on several times, but because of pre-existing scars, an adapted surgical technique needs to be used. In order to be able to address gender-specific subtleties, different surgical techniques are used for male and female patients. In individual cases pre-operated malpositioned eyelid folds can be corrected. If the patient also has deep eye sockets, these can be optimized by inserting micro-fat tissue or hyaluronic acid. Thus, a smooth transition to the bony eye socket is achieved. Eyelid correction is the most frequent indication for facial plastic surgery. Because of its frequency and the rapid healing process, eyelid plastic surgery is a safe routine procedure.
- For an optimal treatment of facial scars, microsurgical techniques are used. Tension conditions of the skin, as well as the function of the mimic musculature play a decisive role in the procedure. Especially in the face, the quality and size of the scars are crucial. The extent of the surgical intervention depends on the type, size and location of the scar. For an optimal result, both, individual characteristics of the skin soft tissue mantle and an optimal aftercare are fundamental.
- This Colombian technique repositions the soft tissues of the chin that have sagged due to gravity. The resulting improved chin shape has a more youthful shape again, which is positioned on the lower jaw bone. In addition, excess fatty tissue can be removed and a tightening of the upper neck portion can be performed. This technique is often combined with a central or full neck lift.
- In case of a genetically caused malposition and underdevelopment of the mandible, this deficiency can be compensated for by volume augmentation using the patient's own fat, bone and connective tissue structures. This method does not change the position of the teeth, but depending on the extent of the transformation, an aesthetically pleasing result can be achieved. The facial harmony is improved and the face becomes more attractive. However, this treatment cannot and must not be confused with a surgical correction of the malposition of the jaw.
- The shape, size and position of the chin can be perceived as disturbing. A large chin can be transformed by reducing the bone, a small one can be enlarged by augmentation (bone, fatty tissue, implants) and a chin with an unfavorable shape can be adapted by shaping it using tissue or by using the previously mentioned methods. A special form is a slipped chin due to insufficient fixation to the lower jaw bone. Surgical intervention can compensate this deficiency and transform the chin’s shape into a more youthful one. Since people‘s ideas what their chin should ideally look like can differ greatly, a meticulous analysis and surgical planning is also fundamental.
- A. If there is still sufficient residual skin tension, the central neck area can be tightened and defined using the minimal version of a neck lift. The platysma musculature is tightened and the neck is given a sharper contour. Any existing excess fatty tissue is removed and a final vertical skin tightening is performed with an almost invisible scar on the underside of the chin. The recovery period is short and the physical performance is only minimally limited. B. In case of advanced excess skin, removal by vertical incision can also be performed in selected cases. Using this Brazilian technique, a significant amount of excess skin on the neck can be removed without incision behind the ear. In selected cases, this technique is also combined with a facelift.
- A lack of skin tone on the neck is characterized by increasing transverse and longitudinal wrinkles, formation of a lack of chin definition and loss of the chin-neck definition line, as well as vertically running muscle bands (platysma bands). The solution is to tighten the skin and the underlying platysma muscles. The incision is made in the chin-neck fold and behind the ear. However, the tightening effect is limited to the neck. The neck lift is often performed in combination with a facelift in order to optimally enhance the overall harmony of the face. A special form is the central neck lift, which is extremely effective if there is sufficient residual skin tension.
Treatment of acute and late complications
Removal of misplaced hyaluronic acid
Removal of misplaced autologous fat
Removal of permanent fillers
Removal of facial implants
Face and body scar correction
Correction of facial aesthetic procedures
Correction of aesthetic body procedures
- If a vascular occlusion or a cerebral hemorrhage result in a permanent dysfunction of facial muscles due to nerve paralysis, tightening of the affected muscle groups (mimic muscles) can be used to improve facial symmetry. Additionally, in most cases, soft tissue of the midface and at the corners of the mouth, including the SMAS, is also lifted to further enhance this effect. Finally, if desired, the skin mantle can be tightened in a classic facelift. Furthermore, the post-traumatic excess function of the mimic muscles on the healthy side can be downregulated with botulinum toxin.
- Sometimes a developmental disorder or an accident can alter or impair the development, function or three-dimensional shape of a part of the face. All tissues such as bones, soft tissues (fat and connective tissues), muscles and skin can be restored and rebuilt to varying degrees. The appropriate therapy depends on the extent and type of tissue damage. In these cases, complex surgical interventions are usually required, which often involve several consecutive procedures.
- Mechanisms that cause different tissue structures to fuse together cause particularly severe damage. The body’s own healing mechanisms can only sufficiently repair such damages up to a certain point. Complex reconstructive measures range from skin replacement to tissue flaps and larger transplants. Modern regenerative treatment methods from the USA and Brazil can accelerate healing processes and achieve successful results while being less invasive.
- The body's own fatty tissue is considered the most regeneratively active tissue of the human body. The body's own fatty tissue is considered the most regeneratively active tissue of the human body. Incompatibilities and foreign body reactions can therefore also be avoided for immunocompromised and elderly people. The fatty tissue is harvested in a gentle way and, after appropriate preparation, inserted into the tissue area awaiting treatment within one and the same session. This procedure, if limited to a small area, can be performed under local anesthesia. However, for extensive procedures, partial or general anesthesia is recommended. The goal of any treatment is to obtain the largest possible number of viable fat cells. Brazilian and US techniques have proven successful and can transplant both macro- and micro-fat to all areas of the body. While many other filler materials degrade over time, much of the transplanted fat tissue grows on and stays in place permanently. All procedures involving living cells must be performed under maximum sterile conditions. The best treatment success can be achieved if the patient is a non-smoker.
- For an optimal treatment of facial scars we use microsurgical techniques. Tension conditions of the skin, as well as the function of the mimic musculature play a decisive role in the procedure. Especially in the face, the quality and size of the scars are crucial. The extent of the surgical intervention depends on the type, size and location of the scar. An optimal result depends on two things: The individual characteristics of the skin soft tissue mantle and on an excellent post-treatment.